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It's Okay to Walk Alone

Writer's picture: Heather LubeckHeather Lubeck

Updated: Oct 11, 2019

Greetings dearly loved ones!

As some of you are aware, I am about to embark on a short solo backpacking excursion into the great wide wilderness. As many have expressed some interest in this, I am settling myself down to whip up another blog posting to expound on the subject.

The logistics are thus :

I am to commence at Summit Lake Trailhead just off highway 80 and will be hiking southbound along the Pacific Crest Trail, arriving in Yosemite at a leisurely pace of 24 days. Mary Linnea Miller will be meeting me at the end of each week to resupply me with food and rescue me should it be deemed necessary.

And to answer your question, yes, I am going “alone.” For your follow up questions, no, I’m not crazy, and no, I don’t have a death wish.

Why am I doing this? That also is a simple answer :

My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, LORD, I will seek. - Psalm 27:8

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. - Jeremiah 29:13

I have wanted to, for a long while, carve out an extended period of time away from all temporal distractions to just seek God. To talk to him only, think of him only, and hit mute on the constant cacophony that consistently drowns his voice.

Jesus went into the desert for forty days, and FASTED. John the Baptist lived in the wilderness until he began his ministry, eating naught but locusts and honey. Going alone into the wilderness to be with God is not a novel concept, nor is it an extremely dangerous one. In addition, I’m not intending to fast on this trip. I am bringing with me food and water and shelter and a GPS device that allows me to contact Search and Rescue should anything go amiss. I'm heading out much more prepared than the Son of God was on his outdoor adventure, and yet people still react like I am willfully signing up for my doom.

Perhaps your aversion is not so extreme, but you do feel concern for my well-being. Allow me to unpack the reasons you need not worry, and put your mind at ease once and for all.

What are the 3 Terrors of the Fire Swamp?

WILD ANIMALS : Cougars and Rattlers and Bears, Oh My!

  1. In spite of what you've seen in the movies, the truth about all of these listed animals (wolves as well) is that they are not classified as “aggressive” animals. Meaning they typically do not attack unless provoked. They will attack to defend themselves, but other than that, they are more interested in getting away as fast as they can from the most lethal predator on earth. Man. (Or in this case a W-O-M-A-N!)

  2. I have encountered each of these animals in the wild, minus wolves, and have experienced first hand that they aren’t interested in attacking/eating me or my companions. A couple of weeks ago I nearly plodded over a huge rattlesnake sunning himself in the middle of the path. He was as startled as I, and simply slithered away to enjoy the summer sun elsewhere. G’day mate!

Mary making a new friend on our 2013 Rae Lakes trip

Rattlesnakes won't eat you if you don't eat them!

ALONE : What if something bad happens and there’s no one to help me?!

  1. Honestly, I couldn’t be any safer, because I have a best friend that cares more about my safety than I even care about it. And I’m not just talking about Jesus. I’m talking about Mary Linnea Miller, ladies and gentlemen. She, along with my parents, has a detailed itinerary of my plans (how far I’m hiking each day, where I intend to camp, etc.) Situations like 127 Hours happen when no one knows where you're going, when you're going, or even that you're going. People are well informed of these details in my case.

    1. I've got myself a Garmin inReach Explorer : a handy handheld outdoor GPS, which allows me to contact Search and Rescue if needed, as well as text Mary whenever. Along with that, it sends my GPS coordinates to Mary every 30 minutes.

    2. I am hiking along the Pacific Crest Trail, by no means a secluded, unused route. I will (unfortunately) see people every day. If I did run into trouble that merited the assistance of another human being, it would not be long before one came along.

This ain't my first rodeo, kids.

RAPE : It’s true, I’m a girl.

  1. Though people may express some concern if a male is opting to venture into the wilderness alone, it is nothing to the protests raised when a female declares a desire to do the same. And I get it. There aren’t as many females out there eager to jump the unsuspecting lad. It’s real.

  2. Statistically, however, only 10% of rapes happen by a complete stranger. So really, I’m probably more safe going out into the wild where nearly 100% of the people I meet will be strangers.

  3. In addition, I'm no spring chicken. At the seasoned age of twenty-nine, I think I know a little about how the world works. I will take the necessary precautions of not telling strangers that I’m hiking alone or where I am going. (Side note: I moved to France to be an au pair when I was twenty and I didn't even get sold into sex trafficking; not even once, and that was the year TAKEN came out!)

These reasons, I have listed for your benefit, however, not my own. For the reality of life is that "bad" things can happen at any time to anyone. Whether you risk it and venture out of doors, or stay boarded up in your home, death comes to us all. And I'm not interested in living a life that is dictated and ruled by fear of death.

There is only one thing that is worthy and deserving of my fear. And that is the God of Abraham. The God of Isaac. The God of Jacob.

Will I fear the jaws of wild beasts, when God has demonstrated that he shuts the mouths of lions? Will I tremble at the power of nature, when God quiets the storms with a word?

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea

Psalm 46:1-2

Though the freaking earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea!!

David said in Psalm 3, “I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side” because, “you, Lord, are a shield around me."

If there is a time to fear it would definitely be when tens of thousands assail you. But if David can NOT FEAR under those circumstances, then surely I can Not Fear in the presence of one bear or one cougar or one rogue serial killer. Is not my God much greater than these?! Well IS HE?!!

The bottom line is that my soul is yearning for this time. A time set aside to seek God alone. To step away from all distractions and expectations. It yearns for it so strongly that it laughs at the excessive concern for the physical body. Why do we cling so much to that which will not last? We protect and safeguard the physical being and watch carelessly as the soul withers.

God, save me from such a fate.

But should "harm" befall me, I do not fear that either.

Then Eli said, "He is the LORD, let him do what is good in his eyes."

1 Sam 3:18

I trust God's plan. Whatever must take place for the greatest number of people to believe in the one true God, that is what I want. Death holds only good for me. For all the adventures and great experiences I've had (and I've had a few) nothing has ever come close to the moments I truly connected with God. The greatest things this earth can offer is but ash in comparison.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:21

I will leave you with one last nugget. A favorite poem of mine read to you by yours truly.

Pops and me on the John Muir Trail in 2009

happy trails!


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