I’m not particularly in the mood to write, if we’re being honest. But if I always waited until I was in the mood…well, I would only post twice a year. Which has been the trend of this blog thus far. But fear not, my faithful friends! I am turning over a new leaf, or entering a new phase of life. A phase of life in which maintaining a blog will be more necessary, for your sake and mine.Psalm 94:8-11 is what inspired me to post today. And this is what it says:
“Take notice, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise? Does he who fashioned the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see? Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
Does he who teaches mankind lack knowledge? The LORD knows all human plans; he knows that they are futile.”Perhaps this may seem like an odd set of verses to quote, but they struck me with a profound level of comfort this morning. There is a deep sense of relief that comes with the realization that human plans are futile, and that the Lord knows this. Whether my plans are “good” in nature, or even plans that I make that I think would please the Lord, if I am not seeking God and his will, then even my best laid plans are futile. I must be continually reminded that it all doesn’t depend on me, but it depends on my submitting to and abiding in Christ. HE has the plans. HIS plans will succeed. I need only to seek him and listen for his promptings. Oh, how constantly do I need to be reminded to listen.On the flip side, no human plans that are set against the Lord can prevail. In that, too, there is a great amount of comfort. As most of you don’t know (since I haven’t officially announced it): I have applied and been accepted to partner with Global Fellowship as a full-time missionary. A posting with more details will come, but for now that is all I will say (I need to get downstairs and help iron napkins for my brother’s upcoming wedding!). But I will say that this new chapter of life has made me very thankful that nothing can prevail against God’s plans. I know I will come into contact with obstacles and opposition, but I will continually cling to the truth that human plans are for nothing when posed against the Lord’s. Even my own plans! And I am quite alright with that. For who else is omnipotent, omniscient, and all good? No one, my friends. No one. I hope this post brings you some comfort, as well, on this sunny wednesday afternoon. And if it tickles your fancy, send me a message of how I could be praying for you. I would love to. your friend,Heather